Monday, July 14, 2008


I'm an extremely impatient person.  I want things to happen NOW.  Especially when I've been working so hard for so long.  My current distraction is scanning the real estate websites of homes upstate.  This home listed by Scot Cohen Realty  is my new obsession.  While the decor is not my style {a little too Restoration Hardware meets Pottery Barn for my taste}, the Greek Revival style of the exterior makes my heart race.  I found another Greek Revival upstate that needs a TON of TLC, but just the thought of turning it into something like this kept me up all night.  I was dreaming of renovations.  I think I may have an illness. 

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Design Inspiration {The Royal Tenenbaums}

I love when I find something outside the world of interior design that makes my heart skip a beat.  That's how I feel when I watch The Royal Tenenbaums by Wes Anderson.  Especially the scene above.  Everything from the font on the sign to the sailors walking in line behind Luke Wilson and the choice of Nico's These Days as the soundtrack.  It is candy for the senses.  

Living Your Dreams

I am resigning from my job tomorrow.  I know that seems diametrically opposed to my mantra of saving money to buy and restore properties, but for me it is an exercise in principle.  I hate my job.  It depresses me.  The company I work for is run by an egomaniacal tyrant and I've had enough.  This will be one of the first times in my life that I will stand up for myself.  And I've never felt better. 
I am, however, not a foolish girl.  I am giving my company notice that I will be leaving in three months.  This is a device that will put the pressure on me to find something better. There's something about removing your sense of security that fans the flame of resourcefulness.  I think these upcoming days will prove my strength {to myself} and will come in handy down the road.  I can always look back and say, "I didn't let them walk all over me."  
This transformative time has also allowed me to explore my dreams to their fullest extent.  I now have a firm direction in my life and I am unstoppable.  I also feel one step closer to seeing my dreams come alive.  
The next few days I will be finalizing my 3 month, 6 month and one year plans, which I intend to share with you.  I've always felt like going public with your goals is always the best way of seeing them materialize.  If you keep them quiet, nobody holds you accountable.  All my major accomplishments in life have happened as a result of being vocal.  So let your dreams be heard!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Welcome to Savvy and Chic!

I've started this blog as a scrapbook/journal/advice column to provide inspiration and guidance for all of those people out there like me. 

Who am I?  I'm a young {thirty is the new twenty!} woman currently residing in one of the greatest cities on earth, NYC.  I've reached a point in my life that I've chosen to refer to as my THRESHOLD.  I have been a corporate wage slave for far too long and I'm about to break free, spread my wings and FLY!

Why Savvy and Chic?  Because my dream life involves buying and restoring real estate, creating homes with a sense of style and soul, and in order to do that asfastasishumanlypossible, I must buckle down and save every penny I have.  I don't, however, believe a spartan existence means a life without style!    

So, if you're interested in real estate, decor, budgets, living stylishly on a shoestring, or changing your life, keep reading!  And thanks for visiting!